Giving is a principle taught in the scriptures, we should hold nothing back from God that includes money. Christian giving is not a bribe to God, nor an inducement for God to do something for us but as an offering for what God has done for us in Christ Jesus. God calls us to give financially not out of fear but simply out of love. God does promises to bless and take of our needs.
Ministries and mission of CCD focus on the kingdom of God and helping transform people’s lives by drawing them closer to Jesus and further into a loving Christian community. It takes time and resources to keep the church running so we encourage parishioners to prayerfully consider what they are able to give to God’s kingdom work.
Regular giving/tithing supports the Church’s operational costs of the various ministries, pastoral care and services provided to parishioners and the community.
At times, such as on receiving an inheritance or job payout, people are prompted by God to give a once-off gift to the church. Others give through a bequest.
We thank you for supporting God’s work in and through CCD.